Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG

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Let me tell you a tale of great adventures, a time of seekers, of gold and glory, the tale of Dungeon Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game, as chronicled by Goodman Games!

Within the hallowed pages of this beefy tome, you shall not find the tales of heroes born of light and virtue, but rather of adventurers—reavers, cutpurses, heathen-slayers, and tight-lipped warlocks who guard ancient secrets with a steely gaze. These souls, driven by a thirst for gold and glory, ply their trade with sword and spell, wading through the blood and filth of the dark, the demonic, and the vanquished.

Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG is not just a game, but a portal to untold adventures, supported by a plethora of adventures, settings, yearbooks, and sourcebooks inspired by the legendary Appendix N authors. Over 40 quests have been laid out by Goodman Games, AND, there a boatload of AMAZING 3rd Party material for DCC that you can find here!

So, gather your dice, ready your spells, and sharpen your blade. The Dungeon Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game beckons you to turn its pages, delve into dungeons deep, and claim the treasures that lie within!